A wide range
of services
Booking Instructions
- There are 3 types of booking methods: By Distance, Hourly, Flat Rate (Airport Transfer, Daily Hire)
- Each booking method has default minimum value. If you could not book through one of the methods due to default minimum value setting , then you will need to use alternative method for the booking. For example, you could not book with Distance rate, then you may need book with our Hourly rate etc.
- Airport pick up/drop off , please choose method FLAT RATE —> ROUTE —> Airport Transfer.
- London Tour/Business Chauffeur/Wedding Chauffeur and Event Chauffeur, need Daily Hire, choose method FLAT RATE —> ROUTE —>Daily Hire.
- A price adjustment may be sent to you before your booking can be confirmed
- Our drivers may need collect the cash on behaviour of us while they arrive, before the journey start.